

The Anarcho-Syndicalistische Bond (Anarcho-syndicalist union) is a workers-organisation with the goal to abolish capitalism and the state.  
The abolishment of capitalism because of the exploiting, repressing and misserable situation it creates. Capitalism is characterised by private property of the means of production. This results in a situation where the workers become wage-slaves and the capitalists can profit from wealth created by the work of the workers.
The abolishment of the state because it’s the highest form of authority. It’s a hiërarchic and opressive system ruled by a privileged minority. The state keeps the class of capitalists and rulers in position. This is why the state can’t be a mean for social revolutionary change.
Instead of capitalism and the state the ASB pleas for a free society based on solidarity, mutual aid, workers control and libertarian communism.  This society can be achieved by workersorganisations based on the principles of revolutionary syndicalism, or in other words anarcho-syndicalism. 
Revolutionairy unions are not like other unions. They are not only involved with things like working conditions and the amount of wage.  Revolutionary unions form a means for the workingclass to organise themselves and to fight the opressive powers at work and outside the workplace. This means we also fight against opression based on race, gender or any other form of opression.
The ASB consists of several local unions who are involved with the formation of industrial unions based on shared occupation, the local unions are involved with workers struggle and anti-autoritarian struggle. Our means are direct action by the workers themselves instead of action through representatives like politicians or paid union bureaucrats.
The proces of struggle against everything that exploits us is essential for the forming of an other society and this needs to be done by the workers themselves, not by representatives.
The ASB welcomes everyone who supports our aims and wants to struggle towards the social revolution.



ASB-Amsterdam presents an info-meeting about Isaac Puente

ASB Presenteert: Isaac Puente & Anarcho-Syndicalisme
Isaac Puente (1896 - 1936) was één van de voornaamste theoretici van het anarchisme en libertair communisme in Spanje ten tijde van de Spaanse Revolutie. Wij zullen zijn tekst "Libertair Communisme" (http://libcom.org/library/​libertarian-communism) bespreken; deze wordt ingeleid door José Estevao, lid van de Anarcho-Syndicalistische Bond in Amsterdam.

75 jaar na het begin van de Spaanse Revolutie, waar anarcho-syndicalisme een belangrijke rol in speelde, willen we onszelf ook de vraag stellen wat de relevantie van anarcho-syndicalisme vandaag de dag nog kan zijn. Bij de ASB proberen wij van deze traditie te leren en hierop verder te bouwen, maar we willen ook in discussie met nieuwkomers. Hoe strijden en bouwen we hier in Nederland het beste voor een toekomst zonder kapitalisme? En op welke principes moet een toekomstige rechtvaardige samenleving gebaseerd zijn?

(De tekst van Isaac Puente zal die dag ook in flyer-vorm verkrijgbaar zijn.)


ASB presents: Isaac Puente & Anarcho-Syndicalism

Isaac Puente (1896 - 1936) was one of the foremost theoreticians of anarchism and libertarian communism in Spain at the time of the Spanish Revolution. We will discuss his text "Libertarian Communism" (http://libcom.org/library/​libertarian-communism); it will be introduced by José Estevao, a member of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Union (ASB) in Amsterdam.

75 years after the beginning of the Spanish Revolution, in which anarcho-syndicalism played a significant role, we also want to ask ourselves the question what the relevance of anarcho-syndicalism can still be today. In the ASB we try to learn from and build on this tradition, but we would also like to discuss with newcomers. How do we struggle and build in the best way here in the Netherlands for a future without capitalism? And on which principles must such a future just society be based?

(Isaac Puente's text will be available in the form of a flyer during the event.)
